
ACTIVITY 1: MULTIPLE CHOICES Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer, and write the letter of your answer in the space provided before the number.
1. In this period, Karl Popper and Talcott Parsons influenced the furtherance of the social sciences.
A. 19th Century
B. Modern period
C. Contemporary Period
2. The modern period saw social science as a distinct conceptual field and was influenced by positivism. Which among the thinkers below support such field?
A. Max Weber
B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
C. Auguste Comte
3. When did social science begin?
A. Age of Enlightenment B. Age of Revolution C. French Revolution
4. Who initiated the studying of social facts?
A. Charles Fourier
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Vilfredo Pareto
5. In the first half of the 20th Century, which discipline became free-standing discipline of applied mathematics?
A. Geometry
B. Statistics
C. Algebra​