
Direction: Identify how each passage is organized. Explain your answer by giving the details of information through a diagram or any graphic organizer. Write your answer in your notebook. ______ 1. First, we packed our suitcases. Then we piled into our little car. Before long, we were on the way to grandma’s house. ______ 2. Tigers and lions are both cats. However, tigers have stripes and lions do not. Both have very good nighttime vision. ______ 3. Butterflies are flying insects with two pairs of large, colorful , scaly wings. The wing scales overlap in rows. ______ 4. Your lungs are like two balloons. When you take a breath, air

rushes in, like when you blow up a balloon. When you breathe

out, the air goes out and your lungs gets smaller just like a


______ 5. We discovered that the batteries in our flashlight are dead when

we tried to use it during the storm. Therefore, we were not able to

see until the electricity came on.​