
Module 1: Function as Model Direction: Write the PIECEWISE FUNCTION represent each item. 1. A kilogram of Indian mango can be purchased at Tinambac Public Market for P100.00. Represent the cost of x kilograms with function f. 2. James is a manager in a gasoline station. His monthly salary is P10,500. What is his daily salary if he worked for n days. 3. Mark started selling snacks in the nearby school. In one day he spends P150 for rent and P20 for each snack item he prepares. Express a function E that can represent the expenses of buying x items and his daily rental. 4. Ms. Evarie, a Grade 11 teacher, needs to buy teaching materials worth P350. She was already at the cashier when she remembered that she also needs to buy manila paper. If each manila paper cost P3, how much will she pay if she adds x pieces of manila paper? 5. In an amusement park, a bicycle rent costs P25 for the first hour or a fraction of an hour and an additional P10.00 for each succeeding hours. How could we represent the cost for renting bicycle for x hours?​