1. It measures body mass based on height and weight that aids in determining weight categories. a. BMI b. Bpm c. RPE d. WHR 2. Peter weighs 45kilograms and1.58meters tall. What is his body mass index? a. 20kg/m2 b. 18 kg/m2 c. 18.5 kg/m2 d.16.5 kg/m2 3. Anthropometric measurements are used to measure the body measurements. Choose among the set of equipment used to measure the body mass index. a. catheter, Stadiometer c. weighing scale, catheter b. tape measure, weighing scale d. Stadiometer, tape measure 4. It refers to the number of times a physical activity is done within a week. a. Frequency b. time c. intensity d. Magnitude 5. Which among the statement below tells about the principle of progression a. washing dishes to eating c. Dancing to sleeping b. Stretching to jumping rope d. Bending to stretching 6. A basic exercise that evaluates the strength of the arms and abdominal muscles as well as the flexibility of the shoulder joint. a. Push-up b. squat c. Lunge d. trunk rotation 7. It refers to any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that increase energy expenditure above basal level. a. marketing b. physical activity c. stretching d outing 8. Which of the following mention below is a moderate intensity physical activity a. Eating b. Running c. Heavy Shoveling d. Dancing 9. It is an essential part of workout and can last for 3-10 minutes. It includes stretches or gentle variations of the movements during work out. a. Warm-up b. Work out c. Cool down d. none of the above 10. How would you solve your MHR if you are 17 years old ? a. MHR=220+ 17 b. MHR=220-17 c. MHR=17 +202 d. MHR=202-17 11. It is used to measure the intensity of your exercise that include shortness of breath as well as how tired you feel in your whole body? a. Heart Rate b. Pacing c. RPE scale d. Self-Testing Assessment 12 It refers to the number of times your heart beats per minute (BPM). a. Heart rate(HR) b. RPE scale c. BMI d. Pacing 13. Monitoring heart rate is very important. Which among the following is the best time to check your resting time pulse rate? a. after performing a warm up activity c. before taking a heavy meal b. sometime in the evening after sitting quietly d. anytime of the day 14. If you want to locate and determine your pulse rate, how you do it? a. By pinching the pulse using your index finger and thumb b. By pressing the pulse using your index and middle finger c. By rubbing the pulse using the other hand d. By tapping the pulse using your ring finger 15. How would the person’s body react when he/she is experiencing hypothermia? a. Very slow breathing and shivering b. Intense sweating, catching breaths c. Jollier and energetic as usual Overexertion d. Same as normal