KYZLFREJAKASINGIN KYZLFREJAKASINGIN Science Answered 1. Which of the following is a suspension? a. mayonnaise b. chalk and water c. sugar and water d. gravel and sand 2. Which of the following do not describe suspension? a. It is a heterogeneous mixture. b. The particles do not dissolve in the solvent. c. Components can be separated by physical means. d. The particles float around the solvent. 3. Which of the following is a not suspension? a. salt and vinegar b. menudo c. flour and water d. chalk and water 4. What happens to the solid particles or solute in a suspension when it is left for a while? a. it floats b. it settles down c. it disappear d. it dissolves 5. Explain why suspension is a heterogeneous mixture. a. because the solute is not dissolve b. because the solute only floats in the solvent c. because the solute is dissolved completely d. both a and b