
COLUMN B a. It is the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water b. They are good sources of carbohydrates (sugar and starch), fiber, vitamins, and minerals. C. It holds the tree and provides it with nutrients and certain mineral elements necessary for growth and development. d. It is considered as the most important factor affecting the growth of trees or crops. e. This is our local lemon or lime f. This is a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained. g. this is one of the local fruits which children don't like to eat h. It has dozens of fruit-bearing mango trees scattered across its 15 hectares land with each tree yielding at least 200 kilos each. i. a school that offers a course related to agriculture and other plant studies. j. are added to the soil to increase its productivity: k. provide shade and keep the environment cool, fresh and beautiful l. is the process of reproducing or creating a new plant or seedling. m. This Grape farm started the business in the 1980's and it is located at Barangay Urayang, Bauang, La Union. n. refers to the degree of coldness and hotness of the atmosphere of a certain period of time. o. The top pomelo producer and distributor in the Philippines. this is the question 1 plant propagation 2climate 3trees 4agrifultural institution 5 fertilizer 6 dayap 7 kitsie s frame 8 tiessa 9 soil 10 Davao city 11 photosynthesis 12 temperature 13 sources 14 gapuz farm 15 fruits and nuts​