Each sentence below describes a step of the scientific method. Match each sentence with a step of the scientific method listed below. Write the letter of your answers on the blank provided for.
A. Draw conclusions
C. Recognize a problem
B. Form a hypothesis
D. Test the hypothesis/ Experiment
1. Merriam grew mongo seeds in ten (10) pots. She divided the pots into two (2) groups, the five (5) pots exposed to sunlight and the rest five (5) pots inside their house.
2. Jenna used a survey to determine how many of her classmates were left-handed and how many were right-handed. 3. Jose wanted to find out the effect of commercial fertilizer from organic fertilizer in the growth of tomato.
4. Vincent saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked, "How do bats find the insects in the dark?"
5. Mar wondered if dyes could be taken out of plant leaves, flowers, and stems. 6. Florence soaked six different kinds of seeds in water for 24 hours. Then she planted the seeds in soil at a depth of
1 cm. She used the same amount of water, light, and heat for each kind of seed. 7. Celso read about growing plants in water. He wanted to determine how plants could grow without soil.
8. Jade said, "If I grow five seedlings under the sun, I think the plants will grow slower than the five plants grown inside the house."
9. Maria's experiment proved that earthworms move away from light.
10. Neil said, "If fertilizer affect the growth of pechay plant, it might affect the growth of cactus." 11. If the temperature changes then the amount of bread mold will change.
12. Jaime wanted to find out the eating habits of dog.
13. Aldrin put different fertilizers on pechay plants to see what fertilizer allows the pechay plant to grow faster. 14. Plants placed in direct sunlight grow faster than plants which are kept with no sunlight.
15. Sarah wanted to find out if the amount of rain has an effect on the growth of cactus.