II. Analysis DIRECTIONS: Analyze each example of situation, and determine what type of model of communication and specific model of communication is exemplified. 1. Last Sunday, Maria, and her family attended the Holy Mass. They were so attentive during the Homily. Type of Model of Communication : __ Specific Model of Communication: 2. Dave went over their recorded lesson in Oral Communication. As he listened to it, the message was not understandable because of the unclear utterances. It was not audible. Type of Model of Communication: Specific Model of Communication: 3. You are watching an advertisement about the new iPhone. Type of Model of Communication: ____ Specific Model of Communication: _ 4. He is hungry. He is craving a lot of food in his mind. Then he asked: Mark: Are you hungry? Let's go and eat? Jenny: thinking... Jenny: Yes, Sure! Type of Model of Communication: Specific Model of Communication: _ 5. The whole team is participating in the preparation of their project. In this case, they just talk simultaneously. Type of Model of Communication:___ Specific Model of Communication: