Sagot :
The God thought about the man he made being alone, the God then decided to make another creature to be the man's partner which he called her a "woman". The woman was believed to be God's flesh of flesh and bone of bones. That's why a man leaves his parents to clings to his woman and that's when they become as one.
This second version of creation is vastly different from the first. God creates man first, and then the birds, wild
animals, and other life forms – the very opposite from the previous account. Yet even with an abundance of
natural life surrounding the man, something fundamental is lacking. This passage highlights the importance of
human relationships, and the need for a strong society – one that begins with men and women in committed,
mutually loving relationships.
As Catholics we do not look to the Bible’s creation story for biological truths. Physicians attest that men and
women have equal pairs of ribs. (In an ancient language, one word meant both “rib” and “life.”) From the ‘man’
comes ‘wo-man’. This passage leads one to ponder a deeper, spiritual truth. Between men and women there is
an intimate connectedness, radical unity and kinship, as well as sexual attraction. When the two come together,
especially in the sacredness of marriage, their connection is so life-giving, that all other relationships are
secondary – even the link to parents who initially provided life. This passage is a biblical meditation on the
more contemporary phrase that one’s spouse is “my soul mate.”