
Caloy is a good man. He is a friendly guy and has a good heart. Although he does not go to church regularly, but you can consider him as a man who is afraid to do anything bad. Sad to say, some of his family members are drug users. In fact, all of them were put to jail, but able to pay for a huge amount of money for their freedom. One day, the same group of policemen came into their house looking for him for the same but false accusation. He is now in jail. The arresting officers urged him now to admit the accusation and pay some amount of money for his freedom. He is now depressed and hopeless because he does not deserve such punishment. He needs your moral support to continue fighting for his freedom. There are also thousands of Caloys who are now in agony because of mistaken identity or framed up cases inside the prison cell.

1. What kind of sin committed in the story?        

2. How can we stop this kind of practice in our community?​