ENGLISH 6 A. Visual Elements Encircle the correct answer. 1. What social distance is there, for example, you are with your family? A) Close B. Group C. Mid 2. What do intersecting lines represent? A Certainty B. Indecision C. Unending repeated 3. It is a type of gaze where the subject demands the viewers, attention for them to share the experience. A Direct B. Slight C. No 4. What serves as short cut to represent ideas? A Line B. Symbol C. Color 5. The choice of it can be used to represent feelings and mood? A Line B. Symbol C. Color 6. What visual element could be natural or man-made? A Line B. Symbol C. Color 7. What comprises an image, and is also used to help the viewers understand the image better? A Visual media B. Visual elements C. Visual Image 8. What does the blue represents? A Truth B. Sadness C. Joy 9. What color symbolizes joy and happiness? A Blue B. Green C. Yellow 10. What is the social distance if the subject is shown to be very close to you? A Close B Group C. Mid Make Connections hy identifying if the lines from the different short stories and clips​