1. It has been observed that varieties of trees grow best on certain climatic conditions.
2.Put insufficient fertilizers in the soil.
3.The growth of the plants depends upon the temperature of the atmosphere at a certain period.
4.Watering is done during sunrise or after sunset to keep evaporation of water from the soil slow.
5.Planting should be done preferably during the dry season.
6.Sunlight is the main provider of energy in the process of food manufacture of the plant.
7.Trees and fruit trees require more space for growth than ornamental plants or crops.
8.Inorganic fertilizers are those that are made up of synthetic materials and are substitute for organic fertilizers.
9.Soil is the medium for growing in the trees which provides nutrients in plants as it contains mineral elements
10.Organic fertilizers are those who come from compost of decayed fruit and vegetables peelings, animal manures, and food washing.