
I. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Out of what was the Church born?
a Christ's disciple
b. Father's love
c. human sin
d. need for salvation
2. When did the gathering of God's people begin?
a call of Abraham
b. Peter's leadership.
c. discipleship to Jesus Christ
d. liberation in Egypt with Moses
3. When did Jesus lay down the foundation of the Church?
a Jesus sent the Holy Spirit
b. Jesus chose the 12 disciples.
c. Jesus preached the Good News
d. Jesus entrusted the Church to Peter
4. How could the life of early Church be described?
a. They held everything in common
b. They preached the Good News on their own
c. They gathered together in public to invite followers
d. They defended Christian faith against Jewish people.
5. Who is the first apologist or defender of faith?
a. St. James
b. St. Justin
c. St. Stephen
d. St. Peter
6. Why was Ignatius of Antioch placed in chains and martyred?
a. He violated a Roman law
b. He would not stop preaching Christ
c. He destroyed a statue of Roman god.
d. He refused to worship Emperor Trajan. 7. Who was the saint who suffered the first Christians persecution?
a. St. James
b. St. John
C. St. Stephen
d. St. Paul
8. Why were the early Christians accused of cannibalism?
a. Christians offered a human body to God
b. Christians ate animal meat forbidden by the Jews.
C.Christians served themselves a real human body for the meal.
d. Christians repeated the words of Jesus during the last supper
9. How did the Romans regard the refusal to offer sacrifice to the emperor
a disobedience
b. simony
c treason
d. unfaithfulness
10. How did Christianity spread after Jesus? Christianity spread through the
a. people whom Jesus healed
b missionary work of the apostles
c. Romans converted to Christians
d. Jewish Christians using their influence
11. Where is the birthplace of Christianity?
a. Capernaum
b. Egypt
c. Jerusalem
d. Nazareth
12. What were those Eastern Churches in Communion with Rome called?
a Constantinopolitan Churches.
b. Eastern Catholic Churches
C. Eastern Church Roman Churches
13. Who was the emperor who had a vision and painted a Christian symbol on his soldier's shield
a Constantine
b. Licinius
c. Maxentius
d. Maximinus
14. What did the Edict of Milan, issued by the Constantine, legalize?
a freedom of worship
b. right to own property
c. permit to join the military
d. Freedom to change religion
15. If you were Constantine dealing with controversy, what will you do to solve it?
a. summon a council
b. decide on it personally
c. seek advice of intelligent people
d. let the people decide through vote

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