


There was a man that had 2 sons. The younger son told his father that he wanted his part of the inheritance. So the father divided what he had, and gave part to the son.

A couple days later, the younger son packed up his belongings and traveled to a country far away.

And he wasted what he had with extravagant living. He partied, spent time with women and wasted his money. After he had spent all the money that his father had given him, a severe famine came to the land. This means there was a food shortage, and now he doesn’t have money or food to take care of himself.

He went to work for someone in that country and he was sent into the fields to feed the pigs. He was so hungry, he would have gladly eaten the pigs food, but no one gave him any food. He thought to himself…My father has servants, and they have bread to spare, and here I am hungry!

He decided he would go home to his father and tell him: “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.” I’m not even worthy to be called your son! Make me one of your servants.

He made the journey back to his father. When he was far away, his father saw him and had sympathy for him. His father ran and kissed him! He told his father that he has sinned and “I’m not worthy to be called your son.”

BUT, the father told his servants to bring out the best robe and put it on him…put a ring on his hand…and sandals on his feet. He told them to bring the fatted calf and let us eat and be happy! My son was dead and now he is alive! He was lost and now he is found!

But, the older son was in the field. As he came to the house, heard the music and asked a servant what was going on. He told him that his brother has returned home. He is safe and sound and your father is having a celebration.

Well, he was angry. He wouldn’t go in the house. So his father came out to see him and pleaded with him. He told his father that he has stayed home and helped him and his father hasn’t ever had a celebration for him and his friends!
But as soon as my brother comes back, who has wasted all his money, now you serve a great meal for him. His father told him that yes, he was always there for him, and everything that he had, would be his. But it is right to be happy, because his brother was dead, and is now alive. He was lost and now he is found.

In this parable, Jesus is telling us that when we are sinners and are doing things with our money and friends that God doesn’t like it's like we have left Him, like the son that left home.

We are lost, but when you decide to change your life, you go back to the Father, Who is God in heaven. You ask for forgiveness of what you did wrong. God is always happy when we come back to Him!
Jesus loves us, and, He will welcome us just like the son was welcomed back home by his father.


*If you are the lost or the prodigal one, what would you do to actually ask for forgiveness from your father and older brother?____________​

Sagot :


  • If you are the lost or the prodigal one, what would you do to actually ask for forgiveness from your father and older brother?


  • » I will go back to my father and i will apologize. I will repent and show my father and brother that I am changing no turning back to my sins. I will no longer commit the sin I committed against them. I would decided to go home to my father and tell him: “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.” I will show to my father and brother that my repentance is real.

