paki sagotan Naman po ng ma ayos I breainlist ko po Ang tamang sagot

1 Plants
water cycle- plants uptake water through their roots and release water vapor through small pores on the underside of their leaves.
NITROGEN CYCLE- plant take up nitrogen compounds through their roots.
OXYGEN-CO2 CYCLE- plants utilize CO2 from the atmosphere for food production( photosynthesis) and release oxygen as the by product of photosynthesis.
animals contribute to the water cycle through breathing, transpiration, and excretion of body wastes
NITROGEN CYCLE- animals consumes nitrogen by eating plants
O2-CO2 CYCLE-animals takes in the oxygen which is released by plants. animals gives of CO2 which is then used by plants for photosynthesis
WATER CYCLE-decomposers break down dead organic materials and release nutrients into the soil or water
NITROGEN CYCLE- releases nitrogen into the soil. some decomposers absorbs nitrogen from the atmosphére and store it in the plant roots in the form of nodules.
OXYGEN-CARBON DIOXIDE CYCLE- decomposers break down dead materials from plants and animals and release CO2 into the atmosphere where it is available to plants for photosynthetic process