
IV. GENERALIZATION A research is defined as the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conchasions. The parts of a mim- research are title introduction, objectives, literature review, methodology, analysis results, conclusions and recommendations. To make a statistical mini-research, you must follow the steps below 1 think of an interesting topic to study. 2. develop a plan to conduct your research 3. do the research Gather, analyze and interpret the data. 4. summarize your findings. 5. make a conclusion and a recommendation It's now time to make your own mini-statistical research. This will serve as your End of School Year Output: OLTPET: : DATE OF SUBMISSION FORMAT: MINI-STATISTICAL RESEARCH JUNE 28, 2021 USE THE SAMPLE IN THIS MODULE AS YOUR BASIS. MAKE YOUR OWN TITLE DO NOT COPY THE TITLE IN THIS MODULE SHORT COUPON BOND HANDWRITTEN OR COMPUTERIZED DOUBLE SPACED​

Sagot :

¥ Kaishi01

[tex]\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}[/tex]

1).Interesting Topics

•Global warming.

•Roe v. Wade.


•Sustainable marketing.



•Vegetarian and vegan diets.

•Freedom of speech.

2).Developing the Overall Research Plan

Step 1 - Articulate the research problem and objectives.

Step 2 - Develop the overall research plan.

Step 3 – Collect the data or information.

Step 4 – Analyze the data or information.

Step 5 – Present or disseminate the findings.

Step 6 – Use the findings to make the decision.

3).Raw data are organized and summarized using spreadsheets, databases, tables, graphs, and/or statistical analyses that help scientists interpret the data. Data can be either quantitative–using measurements–or qualitative–using descriptions.

4).Draft Summary of Findings: Draft a paragraph or two of discussion for each finding in your study. Assert the finding. Tell the reader how the finding is important or relevant to your studies aim and focus. Compare your finding to the literature.

5).How to write a conclusion for your research paper

•Find logical connections.

•Ensure your conclusion is linked to your introduction.

•Don't forget logic.

•Let the readers draw their own conclusions.

•Give recommendations.

•Should be concrete and specific.

•The recommendations should connect to your conclusion.

[tex]\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}[/tex]

∆Study well∆