
Considering the lesson that you have learned from this module, extract the findings that the figure shows. Present or enumerate the findings given on the paragraph. Explain your answers on your notebook.

The linguistics peculiarities of gay were the process of affixation that was always accompanied by the process of clipping and multiple processes. In addition, as the words underwent the processes of affixation and omission of the letter “o”, their grammatical function would usually fall only into three: noun, verb, and adjective. Likewise, the prefixes “dora”, “ra” and “era'' changed verbs and nouns into adjective as evident in the following words: from rampa (v) to rampadora (adj); from kabog (n) to kabogera (adj). Gays also borrowed names of celebrities, titles of movies and foods, which bear phonological resemblance to the newly formed words. Finally, internal or total syllabication distortion and substitution of the letter also observed as their linguistic peculiarities.