С. Open a. caste system b. closed system 3. It signifies the movement of people between positions in a system of social stratification. a politics b. social capital C. cultural capital d. social mobility 4. It refers to the forms of knowledge, educational credentials, and artistic taste that a persona family background which give them higher status in society. a politics b. social capital c. cultural capital d. social mobility 5. It refers to resources based on group membership, relationships, and networks of influence a politics b. social capital c. cultural capital d. social mobility 6. It is the kind of moral authority that keeps society together by virtue of custom and habit. a. Traits Legitimacy c. Charismatic Legitimacy b. Traditional Legitimacy d. Rational-legal Legitimacy 7. He was a French sociologist who dealt extensively with class inequalities by arguing tha Marxist usage, does not refer only to economic assets but also includes cultural, symbo a Karl Marx b. Max Weber c. Daniel Bell d. Pierre Bourd 8. It refers to any given society's economic and political elite, a. democracy b. plutocracy c. caciquism d. principalia 9. This is a type of legitimacy that is based on a government's capacity to use public int establishing and enforcing law and order. a. Traits Legitimacy c. Charismatic Legitimacy b. Traditional Legitimacy d. Rational-legal Legitimacy 10. It is a type of legitimacy wherein the quality of political leaders set him apart from Traits Legitimacy c. Charismatic Legitimacy Traditional Legitimacy d. Rational-legal Legitimacy nonich colonizers who ruled the Philippi