
A population consists of the numbers 3, 6, 9, 11 and 12. Take two numbers as samples from the population.
Step 1: Compute for the mean (u) of the population.

11. What is the mean of the population?
A 41 B.8.20 C. 20.5 D. 10.25

12. Value in number 12:
A. 2.2 B. - 2.2 C.-35 D. 35

13. Value in number 13:
A. 0.46 B. -0.46 C.0.64 D.-0.64

14. Value in number 14:
A 2.80 B. - 2.80 C.-30 D.30

15. Value in number 15:
A - 14,44 B. 14.44 C.14.45 D.-14.45

16. What is the value of (x - u)??
A. 58.4 B. 48.5 C.45.8 D.54.8

17. What is the variance of the population?
A 11.68 B.9.70 C. 9.16 D. 10.96