the twin planet of Earth due to its similar size and mass the hottest planet due to its atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide surface temperature as high as 482 degree Celsius has no moon Earth third planet from the sun the only living planet has abundant liquid water has atmosphere that supports and protects life. has moderate surface temperature that allows water to exist as solid, liquid, and gas composed of rock and metal has one large moon Mars the red planet because of the iron oxide in the soil and dust that covers most of the planet has a thin atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide has water in its atmosphere about 1/1000 as much as Earth's gravity is about 2/5 as strong as Earth's has 2 irregularly shaped moons Outer Planets-giant gas planets Jupiter the largest planet, more than 11 times the size of Earth mass is 300 times heavier than Earth's atmosphere is composed of hydrogen and helium with some ammonia, methane, and water vapor has 30,500 degree Celsius at its solid core has a permanent storm known as the Great Red Spot has 63 moons Saturn second largest planet but has the lowest density it is 9.5 times the size of the Earth has complex ring system held in place by its gravitational pull it is a gaseous planet, atmosphere mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, also contains ammonia, methane, and water vapor has 31 moons Uranus third largest planet with a system of 11 thin, dark rings. Another gaseous planet that atmosphere is composed of hydrogen, helium, and some methane Gravity is a little stronger than Earth's Axis of rotation is tilted more than 82 degrees on its side compared to other planets Has at least 21 moons Neptune The eighth planet from the sun and fourth largest planet Has an elliptical orbit Atmosphere is made up of methane gas Has a dark-colored storm called the Great Dark Spot similar to the Great Red Spot Has 11 moons -
[tex]\pi \beta e log_{ \cot( \sec( \beta log_{ \beta \infty \beta log( \binom{ log_{?}(?) }{?} ) }(?) ) ) }(?) [/tex]