What is the difference between apple and orange and similarity of apple and orange

Sometimes apples and oranges have things that are the same. Apples and oranges are alike because they both are fruit. They are similar because they both grow on trees and they both have seeds in them. Apples and oranges are different because oranges are orange inside and outside, but apples are different inside and out.
The mean circumference (apples 2.3 and oranges 2.6), and diameter (apples 0.6 and oranges 0.7) also are very closely related in size. Both oranges and apples contain seeds which can easily reproduce more fruit. The environments in which apples and oranges grow have many similarities.
The study also found that both apples and oranges were sweet, similar in size, weight, and shape, that both are grown in orchards, and both may be eaten, juiced, and so on. The only significant differences found were in terms of seeds (the study used seedless oranges), the involvement of Johnny Appleseed, and color.
• apples and oranges differ in their skin.
• apples have thin, smooth and most often we eat their skin.
• apples have red, green, yellow or even multi-colored on the other hand.
• apples are crispy.
• oranges and apples are differ in their skin.
• oranges have thick and bumpy skin.
• oranges has only one color, orange.
• oranges are pulpy.
• apples and oranges are both fruits.
• they have similar shape.
• apples have seeds as well as the oranges.
• they are not sweet but also nutritious.
• they are both growing from tree's.
Hope it's help!