
1. How to sing the part of the song with a dynamic symbol of pp?
A. soft
B. very soft
C. moderately soft
D. very very soft
2. If a ritardando is a gradual change of slower tempo, what is accelerando?
A. slow tempo
C. very slow, broad tempo
B. a very fast tempo
D.slow gradual change to fast tempo
3. The following statements describe how the instruments be played EXCEPT one. A. Percussion instruments are played by striking or shaking.
B. String instruments are instruments that are plucked and bowed.
C. Brass instruments are used to produce sound by means of rubbing.
D. Woodwind instruments produce music when musician blow the mouthpiece.
4. Which of the following sentences describe a polyphonic musical texture.
A. Maria is singing the "Sitsiritsit" in acapella.
B. Carlo is humming the "Are you Sleeping, Brother John" song.
C. The choral sing the "Row , Row, Row Your Boat" in a round song.
D. Judith is singing the "Bahay Kubo" with guitar accompaniment.
5. What symbol represents for monophonic musical texture?