Sagot :
1. Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.
2. An adverb of manner modifies or changes a sentence to tell us how something happens, such as whether it was quickly or slowly. They're usually placed after the main verb or after the object. Just like other adverbs, they can provide more detail to sentences, giving the reader a clearer picture.
He ate the chocolate cake greedily.
He gave us the money generously.
James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
3.Adverbs of place tell us where something happens. Adverbs of place are usually placed after the main verb or after the clause that they modify. Adverbs of place do not modify adjectives or other adverbs. Some examples of adverbs of place: here, everywhere, outside, away, around.
Put the cake there.
After a long day at work, we headed homewards.
Please bring that book here.
4.Adverbs which tell us how long something happened are also usually placed at the end of the sentence.
I read my book all afternoon.
I stayed at my friend's house for a night.
I'll call you later.