
Activity 1. WORD CHOP! Directions: The table below contains & words that are chopped into two Find the pieces that fit together and write the words on a sheet of paper After putting them together, look for their meaning in the over information bank be ow. Write only the letter of the correct answer​

Activity 1 WORD CHOP Directions The Table Below Contains Amp Words That Are Chopped Into Two Find The Pieces That Fit Together And Write The Words On A Sheet Of class=

Sagot :

A. Precipitation - precipi + tation

B. Nitrification - nitri + fication

C. Decomposition - decom + position

D. Assimilation - assimi + lation

E. Photosynthesis - photo + synthesis

F. Respiration - respi + ration

G. Evaporation - eva + poration

H. Condensation - conden + sation