1. Why is the equator the warmest? Because______ A. it is the closest to the sun B. no clouds form here C. it receives the most direct sunlight D. it is far from the sun 2. Which phrase describes the Earth's axis? A. An imaginary line B. Rotation C. An equilibrium point D. None of the above 3. What causes day and night? A. The sun goes around the Earth B. The earth orbits the sun C. The earth rotates or spins every 24hours D. The moon rises causing night time 4. Which of these changes would likely occur if the rate of the Earth's rotation is increased? The length of the__ A. seasons would be shorter B. day would be shorter C. seasons would be longer D. day would be longer 5. How does the tilt of the Earth look as it rotates around the sun?The tilt is______ A. always in the same direction B. variable and changes seasonally C. the same in spring/fall and different in summer/winter D. answer not shown 6. How does the tilt of the Earth's axis affect the number of hours of sunlight that are hitting the Earth? Sunlight hours are_____. A. the same all year B. greater when tilted toward the sun C. greater when tilted away from the sun D. variable and unpredictable