Pa help po papasa na po kasi need lang po now plssssss
_____1. Its receding lines converge on single vanishing point.
A. Man’s Eye View B. One-Point perspective C. Parallel perspective D. Perspective
_____2. Its receding lines will converge on a two vanishing points.
A. Picture Plane B. Station Point C. to see through D. Two-point perspective
_____3. They are sometimes called receding lines.
A. Two-point perspective B. Vanishing point C. Visual rays D. Eye View
_____4. This is an imaginary vertical plane where the picture is registered.
A. Picture Plane B. Station Point C. to see through D. Two-point perspective
_____5. This is where the actual figure is laid.
A. Bird’s Eye View B. Ground line. C. Horizon D. Man’s Eye View
_____6. This is the fixed position where the object is viewed.
A. Picture Plane B. Station Point C. to see through D. Two-point perspective
_____7. This is the point where the figure appears horizontally at eye level.
A. Bird’s Eye View B. Ground line. C. Horizon D. Man’s Eye View
_____8. This is the point where all receding lines meet.
A. Two-point perspective B. Vanishing point C. Visual rays D. Worm’s Eye View
_____9. It is a view of an object from below.
A. Two-point perspective B. Vanishing point C. Visual rays D. Worm’s Eye View
____10. It is an elevated view of an object from above.
A. Bird’s Eye View B. Ground line. C. Horizon D. Man’s Eye View
____11. The object is in the level of the observer.
A. Angular perspective B. Man’s Eye View C. Parallel perspective D. Perspective
____12. Meaning of the Latin word “perspective”. Latin word and it means.
A. Picture Plane B. Station Point C. to see through D. Two-point perspective
____13. It is a pictorial view seen by the observer’s eyes.
A. Angular perspective B. Man’s Eye View C. Parallel perspective D. Perspective
____14. It is also known as One- point perspective.
A. Angular perspective B. Man’s Eye View C. Parallel perspective D. Perspective
____15. Also known as Two-point perspective.
A. Angular perspective B. Man’s Eye View C. Parallel perspective D. Perspective
_____16. Existing only in part; incomplete.
A. Partial B. Partial Auxiliary C. Perpendicular Line D. Pictorial Drawing
_____17. Having all the necessary or appropriate parts.
A. Auxiliary View B. Complete C. Complete Auxiliary D. Exact
_____18. Leaning or turning away from the vertical or horizontal; sloping.
A. Complete Auxiliary B. Exact C. False D. Inclined
_____19. It is an angle that contains 90 degrees.
A. Pictorial Drawing B. Right angle C. Surface D. True
_____20. These are lines that are drawn 90 degrees in relation to horizontal lines.
A. Partial B. Partial Auxiliary C. Perpendicular Line D. Pictorial Drawing
_____21. Provides supplementary or additional help and support.
A. Auxiliary B. Complete C. Complete Auxiliary D. Exact
_____22. Not approximated in any way; precise.
A. Complete Auxiliary B. Exact C. False D. Inclined
_____23. Means accurate or exact.
A. Pictorial Drawing B. Right angle C. Surface D. True
_____24. A continuous set of points that has length and breadth but no thickness.
A. Pictorial Drawing B. Right angle C. Surface D. True
_____25. It also means as helper view.
A. Auxiliary View B. Complete C. Complete Auxiliary D. Exact