
1. Why is research important to life?
A. Research has the potential for providing quality life.
B. Research assesses individuals or groups plan of actions as basis for accurate inventions and decisions
in life
C. Research helps professionals deliver quality education services
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following describes a qualitative research?
A. It examines the context of situation of an individual's life
B. It explores a phenomenon to better understand it
C. It requires non-numerical data
D. All of the above
3. Which is the correct process of conducting a research?
I - Reviewing Related Literature
11 - Designing Research
III - Collecting and Analyzing Data
IV - Formulating Hypothesis
V - Defining Problem
VI - Reporting Results
C. V-I-IV-11-III-V
B. V-IV-1-1-U-VI
D. IV-V-11-1-11-VI
4. Researchers who focus on the study of culture take which type of qualitative research?
A. Grounded theory
C. Phenomenology
B. Case Study
D. Ethnography
5. In which type of qualitative research do the researchers intend to generate a theory that is based on data
systematically gathered and analyzed?
A. Phenomenology
C. Historical
B. Grounded Theory
D. Case Study
6. Researchers study just one individual, classroom, school, or program in which type of qualitative research?
A. Case Study
C. Ethnography
B. Historical
D. Phenomenology
7. Researchers who study various reactions to or perceptions of a particular phenomenon take which type of
qualitative research?
A Grounded
C. Historical
B. Phenomenology
D. Case Study​