The wishing well The wishing well is a very popular place for the people of Redule, Every day, people pass by and drop their coins in the well, and hope their wishes will come true. Wendy dropped a coin and vished to get into medical school. If she gets accepted into medical school she con become a doctor, just like her mother and fother. Andy wishes that it will snow tomorrow. If it snows, his school might be closed. John hopes to get good grades on his next report card. If he gets good grades his mother promised him a gift. Today is a busy day at the wishing well. Many people are coming to make wishes about their hopes for the future. True or False: 1.The wishing well is a popular place in Blue Town, 2.People throw money in the well and make wishes, 3.Wendy wished to get into medical school. 4.John wants a new bike. 5.Andy wished that it will snow.​