The Moon maxt direct on the end orth
start of wele)
a Warginhoa Alcan
Full Moon
2 The Manhas orect batween the sun and Perth
New Alan
3 Axtar The Suit da at the town shows, with the
Son on the right
Waxing Crescent
e First Quarter Moon
Tweaks have passed since the new Moon We see
the entire face of the Alean shing
* Waxing Crescent
The Alcore three quarters of its way around Earth
o The Moon is a quarter of its way around Earth
9. Last/3 Quarter
A bit of the Sunt side of the Moon shows with the
Hoht side bene on the left
Waxing Gibbous Moon
8 The Alcon is between full Moon and last quarter
Waning Gibbous Moon
J New Moon
9 The Alcon is increasing in light between a first quarter
Moon and a full Moon
10 The Moon is decreasing in light between a full Moon
and a last quarter Moon