
1.what is a headline?

A.litle of the newspaper
B.litle of a article
C.Author's name

2.What is the purpose of a newspaper article?

A.To entertain an audience and make them laught
B.To inform the reader of the main facts of a current event or issue
C.To fill a newspaper
D.To advertise a product

3.The first paragrahp of a newspaper article is called?


4.what is asually included in the introductory paraghaph?

A.the date it is pubshed
B.the Wh Question
C.backround information
D.the least important detail

5.What are tge 5Ws?

A.who? what? when? where? why?
B.what? whatever? why? while? whenever?
C.wherever? whernever? whose? why?
D.whichever? whenever? however? whereabout? why?