
Direction: Analyze the statements below and encircle the letter of the word/s that
best complete the sentence.
are used for indigenous art production.
a. Common Materials
c. Raw Materials
b. Local Materials
d. Untreated Forms
are naturally abundant in particular places in the Philippines.
a. Available Materials
c. Indigenous Materials
b. Convenient Materials
d. Textile
3. refers to the movement of protecting the environment by using local
materials in creating art.
a. Craftsmanship
c. Indigenouism
b. Culturalism
d. Minimalism
4. Local artists' creations directly influence people to preserve
a. culture
c. environment
b. energy
d. resources
is considered the most utilized tree because of its usability from
root to fruit.
a. Coconut Tree
c. Mahogany
b. Kamagong
d. Narra
is used in basketry, weaving, clothing and rope-making.
a. Abaca Fiber
c. Pineapple Leaf
b. Malatayum Plant
d. Rattan
are used for woodcarving and furniture-making.
a. Brass
c. Soft and Hardwood
b. Bamboo
d. Timber
8. Materials used by a local artist depend on and abundance of
resources in a locality.
a. accountability
C. sustainability
b. availability
d. viability
9. Through local arts, Philippine is promoted
a. architecture
c. heritage
b. culture
d. tradition
10. is the artwork created by indigenous people.
a. Concept Art
c. Earth Art
b. Digital Art
d. Indigenous Art