
As early as now, prac:lce your duties as a oltizen by using your right to vote
wisely through ortical analysis. Look at the speech excerpts of the mayorally
candidates below.

QUESTION: How will you help jobless people?

#1 It is a great issue as far as dally living is concerned. The cause is elther oversupply of workers or he recession due to the pandemic. For this reason, the local government must provide retraining courses
for the jobless so that they can obtain or improve the skills. In doing so, they can Iratch up with the demand of the industries.

#2 To reduce unemployment, we should tap the cooperation of the business firms through subsidies, Granting that the clly's Income can support, subsidies can help both the firms and the workers.
Companies wili hire workers as their production cost will lesson since there is financial backing from the local government.

#3 Ensuring sustainable economic growth should ke the long-term
solution to unemployment, Econe mle stability guarantees investors and Industries to operate businese and hire employees, Well, yes, It
is challenging to do this, but the rer:ults are clear. Only by this way can people forget their worries of when to get earnings.

Share your impression on the three views about the issue. Check the box ofyour answer

What is your reaction on the ideas of speaker #1
[]That a good
[] That's obligatory
[] That's not right
[] That's not fair
What is the besis of
your roection?
[] Her strong evidence
[] Her logical reasoning
[] Her defending style
Should you believe her sland?

What is your reaction on the idea of speaker #2?
[] That's practical
[]That's impossible
[]That's useful
[]That's risky
What is the basis of
your reaction?
[]His analytical style
[]His sound argu nent
[]His sensible idea
Should you accept the idea?

what is your reaction on the idea of speaker #3?
[]That should be
[]That will help
[]That is complicated
[]That is beneficial
What is the basis of your reaction?
[]He's honest claim
[]His practically
[]His cleric expertise
Should you support him?

Sagot :


What is your reaction on the ideas of speaker #1

That's good

Her logical reasoning

Should you believe her stand?

yes i belive in her stand because she did not just simultaneously cited the possible cause and effect of the problem, but also explained her stand to handle such situation in details.

What is your reaction on the idea of speaker #2?

That's risky

His sound argument

Should you accept the idea?

i would accept his idea. although his idea is a bit risky as subsidies do not ensure a clear outcome because governments has their own self interest, just the idea of him coming up with a solution to lessen the burden of the unemployed citizens is a great help.

What is your reaction on the idea of speaker #3?

That will help

His honest claim

Should you support him?

yes i would. although his statement cannot guarantee the growth of economy to be incessant beacuse of the dilemma that keeps on arising, his claim regarding with the results is ensuring thus contributes to solve the said problem definitely.

