
Direction: Write your 5-sentence answer in a separate sheet of paper

Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the philippines, resulting in thousand of fatalities each year and even more heat-relatedillness. In extreme heat, your body works extra hard to maintain a normal temperature, if you are under an extreme heat what are the things you can take to keep yourself safe?​

Sagot :


Extreme heat or heat waves occurs when the temperature reaches the extremely high levels or when the combination of heat and humidity causes the air to become oppressive. To avoid this certain problems like heat stroke, dehydration and many more

First of all we should and must Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. If you or someone you care for is on a special diet, ask a doctor what would be best. and take a bath everyday to feel comfortable to prevent the heat-stroke and for you to maintain your body temperature

Avoid strenuous activities find air conditioning. Never leave someone outside of the house if it's very hot it will cause you dehydration and stroke. Wear loght weight clothes for you to feel comfortable to prevent sweating. This concern must be shared with everyone to babies,children, teenagers, young adults, adults,grandparents people with disabilities, outside workers and many more.


I hope it helps

Stay safe everyone

God bless