III. Directions: Arrange the jumbled words and fill in the blank to complete the sentence. Write your answer on the space provided 1. Earth's revolution and rotation affect both night and day and the on Earth. (ONSSAES) 2. is experienced by parts of Earth that face the sun while the side that is turned away from the sun experiences night. (EMTIYAD) 3. The Earth is tilted at 23.50 to the plane of its orbit as it around the Sun. (RELOVES) 4. The longest length of day is month of (RLPIA) 5. APA elion is the farthest distance from the sun. (OINLEPHA) Performance task ECLIPSE CHALK ART Directions: Prepare all the materials, do the activity, and answer the guide questions (If materials are not available, you may refer to the illustration provided) Materials: Paper, dark blue or black. Smooth card stock paper works best White, non-toxic chalk Pencil Scissors • Masking tape • Circle templates cut from card stock, file folders or cereal boxes Procedure: 1. Make circle templates on hard paper. Trace around the masking tape roll with a pencil, and cut out the template. 2. Place the template on a piece of dark paper. Secure with a loop of masking tape or simply hold down with one hand 3. Draw a thick circle of chalk around the template. 4. Holding the template in place, smudge the chalk away from the center of the circle using a finger to create the corona of the sun 5. When you are done smudging, remove the circle template. Guide Questions 1. What type of eclipse was formed? 2. Describe the type of eclipse formed from the activity Prepared by imberlyn. Berebe We Florence Dela Torre