DIRECTIONS: TRUE or FALSE: Read the following statement carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and if not Change the underline word of the correct answer suited of the statement. Write your answer in your answer pad. 1. Whole Chickens are marketed either fresh or frozen. 2. Halves the bird is split from front to back through the backbone and keel to produce 2 halves of approximately equal weight. 3. A breast quarter, including portions of the back, is all white meat. 4. Drumsticks include the lower portion of the leg quarter (the portion between the knee joint and the hock). 5. The thigh is the portion of the leg above the knee joint. 6. Poultry meat consists of dark and white muscles. 7. The whole chicken leg is the drumstick-thigh combination 8. Dressed poultry are actually slaughtered poultry with the head, feet, blood, feathers and internal organs removed.​