
C. True or False ____________1. The Philippine volcanoes are categorized into active volcano and inactive volcano. ____________2. Volcanic eruption occurs when tectonic plates collide and trigger a build-up of temperature and pressure, resulting the melting of rocks producing magma and eventually released through eruption. ____________3. Tsunami occurs when the earthquake happened underwater or in the ocean floor. ____________4. Tectonic earthquake and volcanic earthquake are the two types of earthquake. ____________5. Earthquakes can cause damages to lives and properties. ____________6. Stay away from tall buildings or electric post during an earthquake ____________7. Several aftershocks can occur after a major earthquake ____________8. Before a volcanic eruption, an earthquake may be felt or experienced in the nearby areas. ____________9. When, there’s an incoming tsunami go to a higher place ___________10. Always keep an emergency kit ready in case of earthquake or volcanic eruption. ​