RANZAMORA895IN RANZAMORA895IN Art Answered 1. The Lenten presentation of Passion of Christ. A.Senakulo b. Moro-moro c. Carillo d. Siete Palabras 2. It is an art form of lyric theater drama, comical in nature and it is incorporated with singing, dancing, and dialogue a. Zarzuela b. Moro-moro c. Carillo d. Senakulo 3. Il is one of the most famous Zarzuela in the country. a. Walang sugat b. Senakulo c. Carillo d. Moro-moro 4. Mostly performed to enhance Teligious festivities. It focuses on the life of religious icons. (Jesus Christ, St. Michael, and other patron saints) a.Religious Komedya b. Secular Komedya c. Zarzuela d. Shadow puppetry. 5. What is the name of the shadow puppetry play that Dr. Jose Rizal staged in the Philippines in the yuear 1898? A.Carillo b: Moro-moro c. Zarzuela d. Seankulo