take the previous population which is 106,005.67 subract that to ur current population (2019) which is 117,514.09
ganto sya in formula form (106,005.67 - 117,514.09)
the answer to that is 11,508.42
yung 11,508.42 divide it to ur previous population (2018) 106,005.67 in formula form, (11,508.42 Ă· 106.005.67) the answer to that will be 0.1085...
yang 0.1085.. multiply it by 100 so ganto sya (0.1085 Ă— 100) yung answer jan is yung Growth Rate which is percentage
so yung finl answer is 10.85%
sana na-gets mo ang haba, anw if ever u get it solve the 2020 nalang same formula or u can mssg me if u want help