directions: choose one platform one social media blogging site and one content management system and evaluate these using the checklist write the platform that you have choosing on the column heading number 1 2 3

- Just find or choose one platform, one media blogging site, and one management system.
So i will just give examples
1. Youtube
- Does the content of the website valuable and revelant to my research topic? Yes
- The contents are readable? Yes
- The information that the website contains is valid and true? Yes
- The website is free from Misspelled words and gramatical error? No
2. Blogger
- Does the content of the website valuable and revelant to my research topic? Yes
- The contents are readable? Yes
- The information that the website contains is valid and true? Yes
- The website is free from Misspelled words and gramatical error? Yes
3. WordPress
- Does the content of the website valuable and revelant to my research topic? Yes
- The contents are readable? Yes
- The information that the website contains is valid and true? Yes
- The website is free from Misspelled words and gramatical error? Yes
Then just do it to the others. The answers will be based on your evaluation to the site.
Also put the Site you choose under number 1, 2 and 3. I think under the table number 1, 2 and 3 is supposed to be Blank or maybe put the things you saw on the site based on the question.
Hope it helps :)