3. 9. It is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and marriage d Marriage a Coutsłup Engagement b Dating 10. It is a trial or test period for the serving suiter a Subok c. Paninilbihan e Taga Amo d. Tupul 11. Why is it important for couples to undergo a courtship? a Courting gives tune to understand one another b. It strengthens the relationship c. It forns affection and respect d. Provides an opportunity for one to know his/her strengths and weaknesses in dealing with the opposite sex 12. It is a word that actually comes from the arranging of a time and date of meeting. Dating b. Courtship c. Engagement d. Marriage 13. What is the stage when you feel a bit better and disappearance of the disease or it is the time the host recovers gradually and returns to baseline? a. illness stage b. convalescence stage c. incubation stage d prodromal stage 14. of an infectious illness is the period between end of incubation period and the point at which the characteristics symptoms of the illness appear? a. prodromal stage b. convalescence stage c. incubation stage d. illness stage 15. the state or condition of being subject to death, mortal character, nature, or existence? a. morbidity b. humanity c. mortality d. society 16. What is the stage that is onset of non-specific sign of infection, like slight elevation of temperature? a. illness stage b. convalescence stage c. prodromal stage d. incubation stage 17. is the method by which the organism moves from one host to another? a. pathogen b. reservoir c. portal of exitd. mode of transmission 18. A component of cigarette smoke that makes it difficult for a smoker to quit smoking A. Alcohol C. Nicotine B. Carbon monoxide D. Tar 19. This refers to diseases where abnormal cells divide out of control and invade other tissues or organs. A. Cancer C. Heart Disease B. COPD D. Pregnancy Complications 20.Drinking alcohol mainly affect this organ. This is usually manifested as speech, hearing, and memory impairment. A. Alcohol C. Digestive System B. Central Nervous System D. Respiratory System