A. Directions: Choose from among these words/phrases what is being referred to by the given descriptions/definitions. Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer. a. inference
b. predicting content
c. listening for gist
d. signposting
e. listening for specific information
1. This is what you do when you want to find out specific details from a text listened to. 2. It refers to a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. 3. This is a listening comprehension strategy that listeners use to anticipate what comes next based on clues from the text listened to and by using their prior knowledge. 4. This refers to the words and phrases that people use in order to guide the listener coherently through what is being said. 5. This is when the learner tries to pick up key words, intonation, and other clues so as to make a guess at the meaning of the listening text.