5 sentences on how you can help take the earth
1. Eliminate Waste from Lunches
ELIMINATE! Tired of seeing some piece of plastic and paper around the campus? What a waste?! Why not pack some veggies and fruits in a lunch box instead of buying them in convenience stores? Isn’t it healthier that way? Buying bottled water and cold drinks? Why not try bringing your own mug or tumbler? That way, we can save money; we can be healthier, and; we can help the environment.
2. Stop Littering
STOP! Trash cans or trash bins are all around the campus. It is not that difficult to throw your candy wrapper in one of them, right? If there are no trash bins available, why not keep it first in your bag and throw it afterward?
3. Reduce Paper Consumption
Papers, papers, papers! Done with the paperwork? Don’t throw your notes away! You can use it for re-printing an essay or article or even for some artwork! This won’t bite. Trust us!
4. Save Electricity
5. Bring Reusable Bags to the Grocery Store
PLASTIC AGAIN! If you’re going to buy something in any store, why not try using reusable bags instead of buying plastic? In that way, you can help lessen pollution and waste in our nation! Invest in Eco-bags!
OFF! Turn off the lights if not in use. Unplug your electronics if not in use. Turn off the air conditioning units if it’s not needed. Just turn them off and unplug them, will you? You know how it works.
Taking care of the Earth is important to our well-being. The Earth provides us with the ability to have balance everyday of our lives—which is important in the balancing act that is being a working parent. The greens and browns in the Earth's surface are grounding colors. I like to think of these two colors as creating an energy vibe of balance, peace, and calmness.
5 sentences about how earth helps you as a student
Below are just five of the countless reasons why we should take care of the Earth.
1. It’s the only home we have. We want our kids to have the same beautiful Earth we grew up with.
2. It grounds us. We all need a breath of fresh air every once in a while.
3. It provides us with food and water. Enough said.
4. It gives us a place to run and play. Where else would we toss a ball, push a swing, or splash in the pool?
5. It's a living entity. Let's take care of it like we take care of our kids. After all, it's the only planet we have.
I hope this helps