
III. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Choose the letter of the best answer.

27. It is the sentence that briefly states what is preventing from the desire
A. Internal conflict C. Conflict statement B. External Conflict D. Literary Conflict

28. It is when the character struggles with their own opposing desires or beliefs
A. Internal conflict C. Conflict statement B. External conflict D. Literary conflict

29. It sets a character against something or someone beyond their control.
A. Internal conflict C. Conflict statement B. External conflict D. Literary conflict

30. This is an internal conflict , meaning that the opposition the character faces is coming from within.
A. Character vs. Self C.Charactervs.Nature
B. Character vs. Character
D. Character vs. Society

31. The main character who has the conflict.
A. Protagonist C. Confidante
B. Antagonist D. Static

32. Who or what the protagonist is struggling against.
A. Protagonist C. Confidante
B. Antagonist D. Static

33. Two or more people cooperating are much more effective than one person telling another to change. What ways of resolving conflicts is being describe?
A. Listen C. Work on a solution
B. Give information D. Plan ahead

34. "Think about what you want to say ahead of time. Explain what the problem is and how it affects you" What ways of resolving conflicts is being described? A. Listen C. Work on a solution B. Give information D. Plan ahead
35. Guve the other person a chance to tell his or her side of the conflict completely.
A. Listen C. Work on a solution
B. Give information D. Talk it all through​