6. Change 6 1/3 in improper fraction.
a. 19/3
b. 20/4
c. 19/5
d. 21/3
7. Change 89/7 in mixed number
a. 12 3/7
b. 10 5/7
c. 9 3/7
d. 20 6/9
8. What should we do first when subtracting dissimilar fractions?
a. Change dissimilar fractions to similar fractions
b. Subtract the numerators and the denominators
c. Get the reciprocal of the given fractions
d. Rename the whole number as fraction
9. What is 5 2/3 - ?
a. 4 1/3
b. 43
c. 5 1/6 d. 5 1/3
d. 5 1/3
10. Find the sum of 3 and .
a. 1 1-2
c. 1 1
d. 1 2
11. The sum of: 2 1/8 + 3 2/8 + 5 3/8, is
a. 10 6/8
b. 10 7/8
d. 103
For Problem number 12.
Father has 14 9/10 liters of paint. He painted our bedroom and consumed 10 2/10 liters of it.
How much paint was left?
12. What is asked in the problem?
a. The liters of paint.
b. The liters of paint used.
c. The liters of paint left.
c. 10 5/8