
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: DAY 4)
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
1. Having a bold and confident behavior, like speaking with conviction, may prevent a physical attack
2. Injuries will not always expose you to harm.
3. If you sense that something is wrong or about to happen you should immediately get away.
4. You should know whom to trust if you are exposed to the dangers of intentional injuries.
-5. As an adolescent, you are protected by the government through the different legislations, government agencies and
concemned groups against the dangers of intentional injuries.
6. Many attackers want victims who are incapable of fighting because they can overpower them quickly.
7. Governments should protect children from all foms of sexual exploitation and abuse was stated in Article 14.
8. You may also offer your help by saying "I may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, but I care about you
and want to help."
9. In order to prevent becoming a victim of assault and abuse, one important consideration is knowing the proper self-
defense techniques.
10. Not having self-confidence will make you less likely to be chosen as an easy target.

IV LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES V ASSESSMENT Time Frame DAY 4 Directions Write TRUE If The Statement Is Correct And FALSE If It Is Incorrect 1 Having class=