
H. Evaluating learning (EVALUATE)
buildings and houses:
Circle () all the number of the precautionary measures observed before
an earthquake and volcanic eruption, and check (V] those observed after
an earthquake and volcanic eruption, cross-out (X) those observed during
an earthquake and volcanic eruption
1. Evaluate the structural soundness of the
strengthen or retrofit if necessary.
2. Strap or bolt heavy furniture/cabinets to the walls.
3. know where fire extinguishers, first aid kits, alarms, and communication
facilities are located. Learn how to use them beforehand.
4. Prepare a handy emergency supply kit with a first aid kit, canned goods
and can opener, water, clothing, blanket, battery- operated radio.
flashlights, and extra batteries,
5. If you're near the shore a feel an earthquake, especially if it's too strong,
move quickly to higher grounds. Tsunamis might follow.
6. Keep updated on disaster prevention instructions from battery-operated
7. Disseminate information among affected communities. This should give
them time to prepare for possible relocation.
8. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth.
9. Reconnect electrical services.
10. Help out in rebuilding the community.