
For items 1 and 2, look for your answers inside the box below:
A. Clara
B. Eliza
C. Freddy
D. Higgins
1. Which character in Shaw's Pygmalion was based on the eponymous character?
2. Which character in the said play was based on Galatea?
3. Which sentence in the first paragraph contains the main idea of the text?
A. First
B. fourth
C. second
D. third
4. Which sentence supports the italicized topic sentence on paragraph 3?
A. For a time he tried to pretend, as children do with their toys.
B. He kissed those enticing lips--they could not kiss him back; he caressed her
71 hands, her face-they were unresponsive; he took her in his arms—she
remained a cold and passive form.
C. He put her to bed at night, and tucked her in all soft and warm, as little girls do
their doils.
D. He would bring her the gifts real maidens love, little birds and gay flowers and the
shining tears of amber Phaethon's sisters weep, and then dream that she
thanked him with eager affection.
5. Which quote speaks out the message of this myth?
A. I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect. (Taylor Swift)
B. Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. (Aristotle)
C. Style is the perfection of a point of view. (Richard Eberhart)
D. The man with insight to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection. (Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe)