DIRECTION: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the best answer in yournotebook, 1. You are being bullied in school. What is the best thing to do? A. Confront the bully and tell him/her that you do not like what she is doing. B. Do not do anything. S/he will eventually stop when s/he finds someone elseto bully C. Get even with him/her by asking friends for vengeance. D. Report him/her to the school authorities. 2. Which is a risk factor for suicide attempt? A. Effective clinical care for mental, physical and substance use disorders. 8. Good problem solving. C. History of trauma and abuse. D. Strong connections to family and community support. cilt 3. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone you do not know. what will you do? A. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, then confront the person following you. 8. Nothing. S/he is just a harmless admirer. C. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you. D. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker. 4. What fom of violence include putting the public or a great number of people in fear? A. Bullying 8. Kidnapping C. Suicide D. Terrorism 5. Which IS NOT a verbal abuse? A. Words that are hurting and usually attack the nature and abilities of th person. B. Words that are manipulative and controlling C. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistake. D. Words that can cause a gradual diminishing of self-confidence,​