
Directions: Write True if the statement is true and correct, and if the statement is false, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. (Rx2=10pts)

_______________1. In a collision, an object experiences a force for a given amount

of time that results in its mass undergoing a constant in velocity.

________________ 2. An object’s impulse is the product of its mass and velocity.

________________ 3. A momentum is a short-duration interaction between two object.

________________ 4. Free falling body is the motion of an object thrown or projected into

the air, subject to only the acceleration of gravity.

________________ 5. Energy and work are both scalar quantities.

________________ 6. Watt is a unit of power.

________________ 7. When an object is moving describes potential energy.

________________ 8. Magnetic energy is a type of energy which potential and kinetic

energy belong.

________________ 9. Example of chemical energy when solar energy is converted by

plants through the process of photosynthesis.

________________ 10. Energy is the ability to do work.