
1 What is soil erosion?
A It is the formation of soil.
B. It is the formation of rocks
C. It is the weathering of rocks
Dit is the movement of rock- fragments and soil from one place to
2. Is deforestation one of the causes of soil erosion? Why?
A Yes, because it damages the topsoil.
B. No. because it does not affect the soil
C. No, because it helps the soil restores its quality
D Yes because there will be no more trees to hold the soil when it rains.
3. Which of the following statements best descnbes over-cultivating?
A. Planting more trees and crops.
B. Trees are cut down without replacement.
C Reduces small plants and weeds that help hold the soil.
D. A practice when done to an excessive degree can degrade soil quality.
4 The following are common causes of soil erosion, which one is not?
A overgrazing
B. deforestation
Dover cultivation
5 How can we help minimize the effects of soil erosion?
A will not care about it
B. support illegal logging
C promote mining activities
D. reforestation or planting more trees​